This dataset is obtained by merging three different datasets coming from the University of Padua (academic year: 2012-2013). The first one is the standard online survey carried out by the University to measure students' opinions on the didactic activities of bachelor degree courses. The second one is the administrative dataset that collects information on the teachers and the didactic activities. The third one is an innovative dataset, collected by means of a new online survey aiming at providing a picture of the teaching experiences developed in the university classrooms. Indeed, the University of Padua in 2013 promoted the PRODID (“Teacher professional development and academic educational innovation” – in italian “Preparazione alla professionalità docente e innovazione didattica”). The goal of this project is to highlight teachers' needs, beliefs and practices of teaching and learning.
Related publications:
- Grilli L., Marino M.F., Paccagnella O. e C. Rampichini (2020) "Multiple imputation and selection of ordinal level 2 predictors in multilevel models. An analysis of the relationship between student ratings and teacher practices and attitudes", Statistical Modelling, online first, 1-18, doi:10.1177/1471082X20949710
- Bassi F., Grilli L., Paccagnella O., Rampichini C. e Varriale R. (2019) "New insights on Student Evaluation of Teaching in Italy", in A. Petrucci, F. Racioppi e R. Verde (eds), New Statistical Developments in Data Science, Springer, 263-274.