ROI-MOB - Measuring return on investment from European VET mobility

Fabbris Luigi, Scioni Manuela (2018)

Data come from the project "Measuring the return on investment from EU VET mobility - ROI-MOB". The ROI-MOB research was designed to give a holistic view on the international Vocational Education and Training (VET) mobility process in Europe. Precisely, its main challenge was to define through an algorithm and quantify through a set of direct surveys an indicator representing the (both positive and negative, complex, short-to-medium term) effects of European VET mobility. Three sample surveys were held in four European countries - Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain - to collect data on the phenomenon of VET international mobility funded by the Erasmus+ programme. After the analysis of the results, a fourth survey was carried out on a small sample of European key witnesses. The surveys were carried out from March 2018 to August 2018 through a Computer Assisted Web-based Interviewing (CAWI), consisting of an electronic questionnaire sent to samples of participants, schools and companies involved in the VET mobility process.

Related publications:
-FABBRIS L., BOETTI L. (2019), ROI-MOB Measuring the return on investment in VET mobility in the European Union, Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova, Padova

General Info

Depositing user: Scioni Manuela

Last modified: 08-04-2022


License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Collection period: from March 2018 to August 2018

Type of data: Text

Lenders: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.



Surname Name Email ORCID
Fabbris Luigi 0000-0001-8657-8361
Scioni Manuela 0000-0003-3192-4030

Available Files

Data Description Size
participants.csv Data about the participants in csv format 343.26 KB Login to request access
participants.Rdata Data about the participants in R format 111.00 KB Login to request access
participants.sas7bdat Data about the participants in SAS format 4.25 MB Login to request access
var_participants.pdf Description of the variables of the file participants 547.77 KB
participants_questionnaire (english).pdf Questionnaire (english) 321.81 KB
participants_questionnaire (italian).pdf Questionnaire (italian) 396.05 KB
roi_mob (Book).pdf Publication describing the survey and its results 202.73 MB
companies.csv Data about the companies in csv format 227.71 KB Login to request access
companies.Rdata Data about the companies in R format 31.41 KB Login to request access
companies.sas7bdat Data about the companies in SAS format 920.00 KB Login to request access
var_companies.pdf Description of the variables of the file companies 667.18 KB
companies_questionnaire (english).pdf Questionnaire (english) 394.21 KB
companies_questionnaire (italian).pdf Questionnaire (italian) 395.30 KB
schools.csv Data about the schools in csv format 181.64 KB Login to request access
schools.Rdata Data about the schools in R format 42.27 KB Login to request access
schools.sas7bdat Data about the schools in SAS format 1.25 MB Login to request access
var_schools.pdf Description of the variables of the file schools 699.72 KB
schools_questionnaire (english).pdf Questionnaire (english) 393.40 KB
schools_questionnaire (italian).pdf Questionnaire (italian) 395.49 KB
README.pdf Readme file 6.32 KB