
Scioni Manuela, Fabbris Luigi (2014)

The study is based on a survey carried out on 250 entrepreneurs of manufacturing companies and of industrial services of the Veneto region, Italy. The  entrepreneurs expressed their preferences in relation to the hypothetical profiles of candidates for five job position in the administrative, human resources, marketing, information system and commercial offices of firms. For each position, the entrepreneurs were asked to choose among four profiles of possible candidates qualified by six attributes.
A study of the perspectives of entrepreneurs who are selecting candidates for job vacancies and of the possibly inadequate competencies of graduates who apply for these vacancies may help bridge the gap between higher education and labour. This research was aimed at examining these aspects by surveying entrepreneurs through a "conjoint" measurement approach, which is a data collection method based on the choice of one or more multifaceted alternatives within a given scenario.

General Info

Depositing user: Scioni Manuela

Last modified: 21-03-2023

URI: https://magrathea.stat.unipd.it/item/27

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Collection period: from 2014 to 2014

Type of data: Database

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25430/datarepository-statisticalsciences_27


Surname Name Email ORCID
Scioni Manuela manuela.scioni@unipd.it 0000-0003-3192-4030
Fabbris Luigi luigi.fabbris@unipd.it 0000-0001-8657-8361

Available Files

Data Description Size
electus.csv Data in csv format 114.49 KB Login to request access
electus.Rdata Data in R format 34.88 KB Login to request access
electus.sas7bdat Data in SAS format 1.05 MB Login to request access
var_electus.pdf Description of the variables of the file electus 458.15 KB
electus_questionnaire (italian).pdf Questionnaire (italian) 1.27 MB
README.pdf Readme file 4.64 KB